Biological thinking: Asking ourselves WHY did this person get sick, NOT what is their diagnosis. This is the process of using medical therapies to treat the natural healing mechanism instead of treating a diagnosis. This is not to say the diagnosis is not important but to say that it is more important to understand why the natural healing process has stopped working. I want to know that my Pt has candida so that I can treat candida overgrowth but to get them well I need to correct the reasons why they developed this overgrowth in the first place.

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone is pure oxygen; it is composed of 3 oxygen molecules. Ozone therapy is not drug therapy but a biological response modification therapy. Meaning it supports the major biological systems in our body to restore health. These systems include the digestive, adrenal, hormone, immune, and detox systems. A breakdown in any of these systems will impede the innate healing ability of the body.

Ozone therapy is working to restore the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Supporting and resetting the natural ability to heal. Used intravenously or as Major Auto Hemotherapy, it is highly effective at treating systemic infection and restoring healthy circulation and oxygen utilization. When used as an injection into the joints, muscles, tendons/ligaments it works to remove pain and stimulate cellular oxygen utilization and restore circulation. It can also be used externally to kill any-tyle of infections including fungal and bacterial rashes.

Ozone is also famous for its use as an anti-aging agent because of its ability to increase OXYGEN UTILIZATION. This is the process where O2 metabolizes fat or glucose into NAD, ATP (energy), free radicals, and C02. If this process is slow because of damage or deficiency every cell in the body will age at a faster rate.

Remember Ozone is a catalyst to the natural healing process. It can get things going but we must also work on the basic systems. Dr. Mari will combine this powerful therapy with diet modification and a supplemental regiment to get the most out of your treatments.

NAD/NDAH ration is upregulated by Ozone therapy. Restore and improve metabolism; Ozone will fix mitochondria, the energy system in the body. It is a potent detoxifier and naturally decreases pain.

What is Major Auto Hemotherapy (MAH)?

MAH involves the injection of medical grade ozone gas into blood drawn from the patient, then returning the ozonated blood back to the body to get a systemic effect. First blood is drawn from the patient into an empty blood bag. The ozone gas it then mixed with the patients’ blood for several minutes until the blood is completely ozonated. You will see the blood become a brilliant, light red color. The ozonated blood is then infused back into the patient. The entire process takes just under an hour with minimal pain or discomfort.

Who will benefit most from MAH (Major Auto Hemotherapy)

  1. CHRONIC FATIGUE / Brain Fog
  3. Cardiovascular Disease/ Atherosclerosis / Angina
  4. Lyme disease and chronic illness
  5. Chronic PAIN
  6. Chronic infection (EBV, CMV, or Mycoplasma infections)
  7. Acute infection (Sinusitis and URI)
  8. Topical fungus
  9. Heavy Metal Toxicity
  10. Negative effects of Aging
  11. Macular Degeneration
  12. Allergies/ Dermatitis
  13. Colitis (IBS, Ulcerative colitis, and Chron’s)

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