Benefit from newborn chiropractic care in 2022
Here at MaineCHI in Waterville, Maine we have a pediatric chiropractor, (aka newborn or baby chiropractor). Believe it or not, babies need a pediatric chiropractic adjustment after their entrance into this world. Why would an infant need an adjustment? Just being...
What craniosacral therapy can do for you
Did you know stress can cause tissue tension throughout your body? This stress can lead to pain and limitations in different muscles which in turn will affect your joints. So, what can you do about it? Stress management is particularly important, and people utilize...
Quit smoking this coming year with this technique
Another year ends with the fresh start of a new one on the horizon. Lofty goals of new gym memberships, yoga classes, cleaner eating and more quality time with loved ones are being dreamed up this time of year. For some, taking a two hour drive to visit aunt Gertrude...
Here’s what to expect during your first chiropractic visit at MaineCHI
When you call Maine CHI to schedule your first chiropractic adjustment you will be asked a series of questions by our amazing staff. This includes name, birthday, address and phone number, the basics. Upon arrival for your initial visit, you...
Chiropractic and the Gym
Many of my patients with active lifestyles and serious workout regiments ask, “Can I work out after I have a chiropractic adjustment?” Without hesitation my answer is always, YES! There are two schools of thought around the question of working out after an...
Why would I?
Why would I let my chiropractor know that I am having shoulder issues, or allergies? A chiropractor is just a back pain doctor, right? I let all my patients know, ask me, if I can help I will. People are still surprised to find out I...
B Vitamins: the best way to continue being a Super Human
In today’s world there are still a few things we all have in common. One of them is that we are busy and stressed out! In practice I see this every day. People burning the candle at both ends. Working all day then coming home to kids, laundry, dishes or whatever work...
Discover 4 natural ways to become PMS FREE
Heavy, painful periods, breast tenderness, water retention and bloat, maybe a total transformation to your not so pleasant alter ego, Falisha, who has a quick temper. You may even turn to Google asking "Why do I get so angry before my period?" This is all just part of...
5 natural ways to fight estrogen dominance
Women have been led to believe that many symptoms of hormone imbalance are attributed to estrogen deficiency due to ovarian failure. Though estrogen does decrease in menopause, the fact is that it does not fall significantly until after the last menstrual period. In...
How to spot someone at the gym that may have been cupped
Cupping is one of those old world therapies that has been receiving a lot of publicity in recent years. It seems like since Michael Phelps was seen with the stereotypical circular bruises everyone has been wanting to know more about it, and athletes have been...